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Tips on How to Start Getting More Patients with Dental Implant Marketing

Dental implants are considered to be one of the best ways to replace a missing tooth or several missing teeth. The millions who have undergone the procedure can attest to their life-changing benefits!

Unfortunately, many are still unfamiliar with dental implants. People would only assume that getting dental implants is a painful and expensive experience, which is why most tend to shy away from the procedure.  

Whether you’re a dentist, periodontist, or oral surgeon, it’s very important to counter these misconceptions because they can stop patients from coming to your dental clinic and receive the proper treatment they need.  

But, how exactly can you do this? How can you encourage prospects to visit your clinic to get their dental implants?

The answer is simple: Dental implant marketing.

Bringing your practice online is an extremely effective way to educate modern consumers about dental implants and their life-changing benefits, as well as to debunk myths about them so that more people will start considering this treatment option.


What Is Dental Implant Marketing?

Dental implant marketing is the process of promoting dental implants to potential customers by providing high-quality and relevant content. It can be in the form of blogs, videos, case studies, etc.

Why Is It Important?

In this age of information, providing valuable content is the way to a patient’s heart.  

When a person suffering from tooth loss wants to know about the different treatment options for replacing a missing tooth or a few ones, the first thing they will likely do is to search on Google and gather as much information as possible.  

Through dental implant marketing, you can:

  • Meet potential patients during this stage and provide them the information they need
  • Showcase your expertise on the subject
  • Establish trust
  • Persuade prospects to opt for dental implants and to do the procedure with you

And, if a potential dental implant patient isn’t quite ready to undergo the procedure now, dental implant marketing can help keep your dental office at the top of their mind. By the time they’re ready for it, you’ll be the first practice they’ll think of.

Now, let’s share the different tips you can apply to start driving more dental implant patients straight to your office.

How to Start Getting More Patients with Dental Implant Marketing

Make a Website

Nowadays, most people learn about a business online.  

In fact, a study conducted by McKinsey on consumer health insights found that 73% of the respondents prefer a digital solution when searching for a doctor online.  

This means your website could be a potential patient’s first interaction with you.  

According to the Association for Psychological Science, you and your business only have seven seconds to make a good first impression.  

To make sure you win the hearts of your visitors, it’s best to invest in a professionally made website. A branded website that’s easy to navigate, loads fast, and is filled with rich content gives the impression that you’re credible and trustworthy.  

A website that looks unquestionable will automatically create a negative, lasting notion about your business that can jeopardize your future relationships with your patients.  

What exactly are the qualities of a great website? Here’s what:

  • Branded design  
  • Functional
  • Easy to use
  • Optimized for mobile
  • Optimized for SEO and the social web
  • Filled with quality, relevant content
  • Contains client testimonials and reviews
  • Clear calls to action

If you have an existing website, check if it possesses the attributes mentioned above. If not, then you might want to consider consulting with a professional for a redesign.  

Publish More High-quality Content in Various Forms

According to Demand Metric, 70% of people would rather learn about a company and its products or services from a blog post or article rather than from a traditional advertisement.  

In your case, if you want people to know about your expertise in dental implants, the best way to do it is by creating more content about the subject matter and other related topics.  

Publishing content is a great way of sharing your knowledge and expertise to your audience, establishing authority in your industry, and above all, building trust among potential dental implant clients.  

Content comes in various forms, but the most engaging of them all is video. Videos are actually an all-time favorite of consumers, according to Animoto. That being said, leverage video content and you’ll be driving new patients to your clinic in no time.

Other types of content to publish include:

  • Written posts like guides, lists, blogs, articles, and more
  • Electronic books
  • Images  
  • Live videos
  • Infographics
  • Case studies

Use Local Marketing Strategies

Another thing you need to do to start attracting more dental implant patients is to target those who are within your area.  

According to HubSpot Marketing Statistics, 72% of people end up visiting a business within five miles after doing a local search.  

Most patients prefer to undergo a procedure from a provider near them because it’s more convenient and practical than having to travel hours and hours just for a follow-up consultation.  

Be sure to follow these local marketing strategies:

  • Claim Your Business on Google My Business
    Fill out all the essential information about your dental practice including its name, contact number, address, website, description, and include high-quality photos.
  • Enlist Your Business on the Most Trusted Business Directories Online
    Aside from Google My Business, you should also enlist your dental clinic on other reputable online business directories like Yelp, Bing Places, and Apple Maps.. This can help boost your ranking in the search results and allow your business to get found quickly.
  • Include Your Location in Your Keywords
    When creating content - whether it’s a blog post, video, article, or case study - it’s crucial to include your location in your keywords. For example, instead of just using “dental implants,” you can make it more specific by using “dental implants West Palm Beach.”  This will allow you to target searchers who are looking for dental implants within their local area.
  • Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly
    Another effective strategy to target potential patients in your area is by optimizing your website for mobile use. Nectafy reveals that 88% of mobile searchers end up calling or visiting a local business within 24 hours.
  • Encourage Your Clients to Leave a Review
    Posting patient reviews and testimonials is a great way to build trust among your prospects. According to Bright Local, 91% of people trust online reviews and that they’re more likely to purchase a product or service if it has positive reviews online.  

Use Social Media to Promote Your Content

Being active on social media can keep your patients and prospects engaged with your dental practice. It’s also a way to develop your relationship with them.  

On top of these, you can use your social platforms to generate leads by promoting your dental implants through them.  

Posting content on huge channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok will no doubt increase traffic to your site, boost your reputation, and generate leads. Just be sure that they’re shareable!  

By shareable, we mean any content that’s interesting, fun, informational, and highly relevant to your target audience. It should also be able to trigger strong emotions from them.


Elements of Shareable Content:

  • Compelling headline
  • Interesting description  
  • Uses scannable format
  • Appeals to emotions
  • Relates to pop culture  

Examples of these are:  


Did you know that a single BuzzFeed quiz has been viewed more than 22 million times?  

People love taking quizzes. They’re highly entertaining and engaging, and you can use this to your advantage.

You can create a quiz that will tell your audience whether they’re a good candidate for dental implants, or which tooth replacement option works best for them.

Such an activity will help you capture leads who are already considering to undergo the procedure but aren’t quite decided.

Social Contest

You can organize a contest and grant the winner a free dental implant surgery or whatever prize you want to give away that’s related to your practice.  

Hosting a social contest can:

  • Increase your followings
  • Spread word about your business  
  • Gather user-generated content
  • Gather data you can use for your future campaigns


Videos are very engaging. The right content can get your prospects hooked.  

According to Revive Social, social videos get 135% more reach than photos. They also tend to get more 478% more shares and 3x more engagements on social media compared to other forms of content.  

Some video ideas include:  

  • Client testimonial
  • Animation of the dental implant procedures
  • Do’s and don’ts pre and post op

Infographics and Photos

Pictures and infographics also get a lot more shares compared to text-only posts.  

So, if you want to get the attention of potential patients and motivate them to share your content, make sure to include a relevant, visually appealing photo in your posts.

You can use these ideas for inspiration:

  • Statistics about successful implant surgeries
  • Photo of patients who suffered from implant failure because they didn’t follow post-op instructions to raise awareness
  • Photos of happy patients with big smiles

Informational Blog Posts

Busting dental implants myths and life-changing benefits of dental implants are some of the topics you can discuss in your blog post and share it on social media. It’s an effective method to educate people and convince them to undergo the procedure.  

If you aren’t active on social media, now is the best time to do so!  

Optimize your social media accounts and start posting to engage potential clients and capture them when they’re ready to undergo dental implant procedure.  

Pay-Per-Click Ads

If you want to put your business in front of every individual looking for dental implants, running ads on Google is the best way to do it.  

What’s great about Google Ads is that it lets you promote your business to your target audience depending on how much you can afford.  

It also offers tools you can use to monitor your campaigns and refine them to achieve the best results.  

Running ads on Google allows you to capture leads, increase traffic to your site, and get more dental implant patients.

Need Help with Dental Implant Marketing?

Dental implant marketing makes it easier for you to convince people suffering from tooth loss to consider dental implant as a treatment option and undergo surgery with you.

Gain new patients and retain your old ones by leveraging the power of Facebook.

At Digital Resource, we can help you create a strong dental implant marketing strategy - from content creation and running ad campaigns to monitoring results. We can do it all for you and provide the results you want.

Talk with us today to learn how we can help you start attracting dental implant patients!