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Building a Kickass Remote Work Culture: Tips and Tricks


How do you keep a remote team from feeling, well, remote? When your workforce is spread from kitchen tables to coffee shops across time zones, creating a strong, shared work culture might seem like a tough call. It requires more than just a good internet connection and a daily check-in.

But the good news is, it's absolutely doable – and it can be a game-changer for your team, keeping morale high and the gears of productivity grinding smoothly.

Imagine a remote work culture where everyone logs on feeling pumped and connected to their colleagues, not just to their WiFi. A place where daily tasks are met with enthusiasm and creativity because everyone feels part of something bigger. That’s the power of a positive and engaging remote work environment.  

Excited to make it happen? Your go-to digital marketing agency in Chicago is here to walk you through the steps to build a remote work culture that's as vibrant as any office? Let’s get into it!

Foster Real Connections

Remote work can feel isolating, but it doesn’t have to. Kickstart your culture-building by encouraging your team to forge genuine connections with each other. This goes beyond professional interactions and dives into the fun and personal.

Think about setting up virtual coffee breaks where the only rule is to avoid shop talk. Just a time to relax, maybe share a funny story or discuss the latest binge-worthy series. It’s like grabbing a cup of joe with a friend.  

Also, why not throw in a virtual happy hour where stories and laughs are shared instead of status updates? Mix your favorite mocktail or grab a soda, and just hang out. As a leader, you want everyone to feel part of the gang, even when they're miles apart.  

And don’t stop there! Organize interest-based clubs within the team. Love books? Start a book club. Into fitness? How about a remote workout challenge? These small groups can create stronger bonds and give everyone something exciting to look forward to besides work.

Communication Is Everyone’s Best Friend

four colleagues holding speech bubbles

Now, let's talk about keeping those lines of communication wide open.  

At our digital marketing agency in Chicago, we swear by tools like Slack to keep the chit-chat flowing and the GIFs going. Regular updates, a transparent approach to challenges, and a culture that cheers on asking “why” are what keep everyone on the same page.

Encouraging open feedback is crucial as well. Create a safe space where team members can voice their thoughts and ideas without hesitation. Maybe set up monthly “Ask Me Anything” sessions with different team leads. It’s about building trust and ensuring that everyone feels they have a stake in the team's success.

Celebrate and Recognize

Recognition is huge, especially when we're all working from different places. Did someone just nail a big project? Blast a congratulatory message across all channels!  

Regular shout-outs during team calls or a dedicated channel for celebrating wins can make all the difference in how valued team members feel. And that’s how we do it here at our digital marketing agency in Chicago to boost morale and show we appreciate hard work and creativity.

Don’t let physical distance keep your team from celebrating personal milestones either. Birthdays, work anniversaries, or even a new pet – whatever it is, be sure to make some noise about it. A culture that celebrates together grows stronger together.

Support Flexibility and Well-Being

Flexibility is the cornerstone of remote work. Everyone has their rhythm, and as a leader, you should embrace that.  

Trust your team with their time management; focus on the results rather than the exact hours they’re clocking. For instance, if someone on your team needs to start late so they can drop their kids at school, let them. As long as the work gets done and they’re rocking your responsibilities, we’re good.

Well-being is just as critical. We encourage regular digital detoxes and respect each other's downtime. Why not implement “Wellness Wednesdays” where meetings are banned, and people are encouraged to focus on health – be it through meditation, a midday workout, or just catching extra Zs?

Embrace Continuous Learning

young woman taking notes while watching a webinar on laptop

Keeping skills sharp in a remote team is crucial, and nothing does the job better than a solid continuous learning program.  

Imagine setting up webinars, virtual workshops, and interactive sessions where team members from anywhere can tune in and tap into the latest industry insights. Sounds pretty fantastic, right?

And it doesn’t have to be all formal either. How about casual “Lunch and Learn’” sessions? Picture this: everyone grabs their favorite lunch, logs in, and either learns something new from a teammate or shares a piece of their own expertise. It’s a relaxed way to foster growth and keep everyone at the cutting edge, all while enjoying a delicious meal!

Prioritize Effective Onboarding

Starting a new job remotely can be daunting, but a well-structured onboarding process can make all the difference.  

If you can, establish a buddy system where new hires get paired with experienced team members who are ready to answer questions and offer guidance. This not only eases newcomers into their roles but also instantly connects them with the team.  

Also, consider crafting digital onboarding packets filled with all the essentials – from guidelines on company culture to how-to’s on using project management tools. Ensuring that new folks feel prepared and supported from the get-go sets the stage for them to thrive and feel part of the team right from the start.

Keep Everybody Aligned and Informed

Alignment is key to keeping our remote culture thriving. Regular updates about where the company is headed, and the role everyone’s playing to get us there keeps the entire team engaged.  

At our marketing agency in Chicago, we hold virtual town halls where we discuss everything from project updates to new business strategies. Some teams do it bi-weekly, while others hold theirs monthly.

And let’s not forget about the tools that help keep everyone in the loop. Whether it’s a shared dashboard or regular email blasts, make sure no one feels out of the loop. Knowledge is power, and in a remote setting, it’s also a connector.

One Last Thing Before You Go

team of remote workers in a cafe

Building a kickass remote work culture is all about making connections count, keeping everyone posted, celebrating wins, and nurturing a learning environment. When you focus on these areas, you’re keeping your team together and making them stronger, no matter where they are in the world.

If stepping up your digital game is on top of your priority list, you’re in luck! At Digital Resource, we specialize in everything from Google Ads and PPC campaigns to content creation and social media management. We're here to help boost your online presence and drive results.  

Get in touch with us today and let’s make some digital magic happen!

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