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How to Create a Well-Designed Landing Page That Converts

Website Design

Did you know that Moz was able to generate $1,000,000 with a single landing page? This is proof of how powerful one high-converting landing page can be.

Now, imagine if you also had a high-converting landing page to go along with your paid search ads. Even if you don’t generate a million dollars, it can still contribute to the success of your online business.  

If people are visiting your site, but none of them are converting for some reason, it’s probably because they don’t know what to do after going through your ads.  

An effective landing page website design in Miami will persuade your visitors to take one desired action and move them through the buyer journey, just a step closer to becoming your customers.  

That action could be to request a free quote, gain access to free training videos, or subscribe to your email newsletter. Whatever you're offering in your landing page, it must be persuasive and engaging enough to urge your visitors to convert.  

Aside from compelling content, another important factor that boosts the effectiveness of your landing page is design. Your design will create interest and shape how your content is going to be perceived.  

A well-designed landing page draws the eyes of your web visitors in the right direction, convinces them to convert, and allows them to focus on taking action.  

To drive your visitors take action once they land on your page, you want to make it as easy and as compelling for them to do so by including these eight essential design elements:  

How to Create a Well-Designed Landing Page That Converts

1. Clear-Cut Call to Action

the phrase "do it now" written on a piece of paper

A landing page that converts has a single, clear call to action.  

In case you’re not familiar, a call to action or CTA is what you want web visitors to do: Sign Up. Contact Us. Shop Now. Download Free Guide.  

Whatever action you want your visitors to take, your CTA should communicate this clearly and temptingly enough to make them want to give you a shot.  

Here are some CTA design best practices you should follow:

  • Your CTA needs to be direct. It should tell exactly what it is that you want your web visitors to do.  
  • Your CTA should be easy to spot. Make sure it’s highly visible the moment a visitor lands on your page, and don’t leave your visitors guessing what they should be clicking on.  
  • Test the size, color, and placement of your button. For example, test if a relatively demure copy (ex. “Help Support Our Mission”) works better compared to a more demanding copy (ex. “Donate Now”).  
  • Use arrows or other visual cues to draw your visitors’ eyes towards the button.  
  • Keep your visitors focused by getting rid of distracting design elements such as irrelevant visuals and other CTAs. An effective landing page should only convert for a single purpose.  
  • Visually de-emphasize other CTAs on your landing page to avoid distracting your visitors from your primary CTA.
  • Make use of white space to draw attention to your CTA button.  
  • Always remember to repeat your CTA if you have any content below the fold.  

2. An Irresistible Offer

An offer is anything you provide your site visitors in exchange for getting them to do what you want them to do on your page, like subscribe to your newsletter or give you their contact information, and whatnot.  

An offer can mean anything from coupons or discounts to free trials or a free version of your product.  

When creating an offer, think of something your ideal customers really want enough to make them trust you with their email or other personal information.  

For example, a digital marketing agency could offer a free 60-minute consultation about how they can improve a company’s digital marketing strategy and drive results.  

Whatever your offer is, create a sense of urgency and spur of response by setting a deadline. Limited-time offers tend to drive more conversions.  

When designing your landing page, make sure that your offer doesn’t distract your visitors from the CTA.  

3. A Bold Headline

A high converting website design landing page in Miami has a benefit-driven, bold, and straight-to-the-point headline. It creates a sense of urgency and solves a particular problem your target audience is struggling with.  

Here are some tips on how to write a magnetic headline for your landing page:

  • Your headline should match your ad. Your visitors should be able to tell they’re in the right place after getting redirected from clicking on your ad.  
  • Add some personality to your headline to create a stronger impression of your business.  
  • Personalize your headline.
  • Make your headline clear and easy to read. Avoid using fancy words. According to Sumo, 88% of the time, straightforward headlines outperform the creative alternatives.  
  • Your headline should focus on either solving a problem, selling a benefit or stimulating a pain point. Here’s a good example: "Tired of (problem)? We Got Your Back!"

4. A Compelling Supporting Subheadline

Never underestimate the power of a great subheadline. It can motivate your site visitors to actually read your copy instead of just skimming or scanning it.  

A subheadline allows you to give more context to the main headline

and pull your readers further into your sales funnel.  

Here are some subheadline best practices to remember:

  • Make sure it complements your headline and expands on your headline’s message.  
  • Include your unique selling proposition.
  • Make your subheadlines longer but don’t overdo it. Don’t over inform.
  • Encourage your site visitors to take action.

5. A Visual Focus

Adding visual focus to your landing pages, such as a video or image, can help draw attention to the most important part of your landing page.  

Check out Shopify’s landing page:

a screenshot of Shopify's landing page website design in Miami

The photo of the woman holding a laptop is strategically placed near the CTA to draw a person’s attention towards it rather than wandering around other areas of the page.  

Choose only one image, animation, video, or any form of visual as long as it’s relevant to your entire page.

6. Trust Elements

Featuring trust elements on your landing pages - such as badges, certifications, partnerships, the logo of companies you've worked with, or any other form of trust signals - can help further persuade a site visitor to convert.

They establish trust and build confidence in your brand, which is so important especially for those who haven't heard about your company before.  

Reviews, star ratings, and client testimonials are also great for building trust. They work because you are showing real results from real people - not from an endorser or a celebrity.  

This can persuade a person emotionally, and compel them to take action.  Plus, it helps create a positive user experience.  

7. Core Benefits

To create a landing page that speaks directly to the needs and wants of your customers, you want to highlight the core benefits of your products or services on your landing page.  

How can your product help them solve their problems? What can you offer to make their lives better?

Remember, benefits aren’t the same as features. Features talk about the technical side of your product. In a world where emotion dictates a person’s purchase decision, you want to appeal to your customers’ feelings.  

Notice how people buy Apple products because of the prestige that comes along with owning them?  People don't buy iPhones because of their specs.  

If this were true, nobody will buy an iPhone because it's so expensive and there are other phones in the market with better specs for a much cheaper price. But no, people still prefer Apple products.  

People buy Apple because it’s Apple. The brand makes them feel like they’re a better person for owning an Apple product.  

So, instead of focusing on your product’s features, focus on how your products can solve your target audience’s problems.  

Other Elements You Should Pay Attention to When Designing an Effective Landing Page

8. Clean User Interface

website design in Miami user interface elements

To make it as easy and as convenient as possible for your site visitors to convert, you need to make sure that your user interface is clean, clear, and structured.  

They need to know how to navigate through your landing page without giving it much of a thought. In other words, it should be intuitive.  

Align every element on your landing page to create a consistent experience for users. If your landing page has a clean layout and is easy to interact with, it's going to create a positive user experience and boost their satisfaction.

A well-designed landing page is aesthetically pleasing, consistent with your brand, and structured.  

9. Legible Font Style and Size

It’s impossible to communicate with your site visitors and urge them to convert if they can’t read what you’re trying to tell them.  

That’s why your font style and size should be convenient to read. Your text should be legible.  

Here are some tips to keep the text on your landing page readable:

  • Text size: Use at least 16px for your body text and between 18 to 29 px for your headline.
  • Contrast: Always make sure that your text does not blend in with your page's background. Use good contrasting colors to make your text highly visible and legible.  
  • Typography: Stick with Serif or Sans-Serif font. Avoid using tacky fonts that are hard to read, such as Comic Sans.  

10. Mobile-Friendliness

A lot of people access the web through mobile, which is why you should optimize your landing page website design in Miami for mobile.  

Follow these steps to optimize your site for mobile:

  • Optimize your landing page load speed.
  • Get rid of distractions by keeping your website design in Miami simple and clean.
  • Keep your headline short but powerful.
  • Make sure your contact number is clickable.
  • Optimize your CTA.
  • Run an A/B split test.  

Are You Ready to Take Your Landing Page to the Next Level?

A high converting landing page can be the key to your online business’s success.

An effective landing page website design in Miami has a clear-cut call to action, an irresistible offer, a bold headline, a compelling supporting subheadline, a visual focus, trust elements, core benefits, clean user interface, legible font size and style, and mobile-friendly.  

So, don’t forget to incorporate these elements into your landing page to attract leads!

At Digital Resource, our team of web designers can craft a custom landing page for your digital advertising campaigns that will not only generate leads and sales, but also put you ahead of the competition.

Contact us today if you’re serious about taking your online business to the next level.  


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