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Types of Content Marketing to Grow Your Brand 

Content Marketing

More than ever, content marketing has turned into a powerful digital marketing tool for businesses of all sizes and industries.

It has become a necessity in today’s digital marketing landscape. Why? Well, the right content marketing strategy can:

  • Help you rank higher on search engine results
  • Improve your domain authority
  • Lead to higher conversion rates due to more on-site content
  • Drive more traffic to your site and social media platforms
  • Generate more and better leads
  • Build brand reputation
  • Establish trust with prospects and customers
  • Cultivate loyal brand fans

With all these amazing benefits your business can gain from content marketing, you might be really excited to start mapping out a plan right now.

However, as a top digital marketing agency in Miami, we gotta say that developing a content marketing strategy can get a bit tricky at times.

We can’t exactly say which type would work perfectly for your business needs. Trial and error is always the best way to find out.

So, what are your choices, you ask? What types of content marketing can help grow your brand? You’re about to find out below!



Blogging has always been a top pick for small businesses for numerous reasons.

It’s one of the best ways to improve SEO, drive more organic traffic to your site, and position yourself as an authority within your industry. Plus, quality blogs tend to engage your audience, which will make them want to come back for more.

The more valuable your blogs are, the more likely your prospects will take the action you desire them to - whether it’s making a purchase, subscribing to your newsletter, or downloading your app.

Before starting your very first blog, be sure to keep these things in mind:

  • Strategize, strategize, and strategize! Good content requires careful research, competitive analysis, and a deeper understanding of what your audience likes to read about. Consider what topics are relevant to them.
  • Write compelling headlines to spark interest and attract more readers. And please, stay away from clickbait titles.
  • Focus on relevant keywords. Do keyword research to see what people are usually typing into the search engines to look for brands similar to yours.
  • Use the pillar-cluster model to organize your topics. The cluster method involves creating various posts on specific topics. Then, you’ll need to make a comprehensive post on a broad topic that will serve as a “pillar” where all of the related cluster articles can link back to.


Did you know that infographics have become one of the most popular web content today? In fact, 84% of those who have used infographics to promote their company find the content really efficient.

Let’s face it, people prefer to learn broad and broad ideas through simplified content. That’s why they’re more inclined to look at infographics rather than having to go through a webpage that’s filled with text.

Instead of sifting through huge chunks of information, they can get all the data and stats they need to know in a creative and engaging infographic. It instantly captures their attention and provides information that’s easily digested and quick to process.

Here are other reasons why you should incorporate infographics into your content marketing strategy:

  • They are more eye-catching than text. Visuals have this natural ability to draw the eyes of people in a matter of seconds.
  • They educate and entertain at the same time. Infographics aren’t just for sharing valuable information, but they can also be a fun medium to interact with your audience.
  • They are extremely shareable thanks to their embed codes. Are they more likely to go viral than text? You bet!
  • They enhance SEO. A well-designed and attractive infographic tends to get more shares or clicks, which means more visitors to your website. Additionally, infographics can help with Google’s “Page Rank” algorithm, which is vital for SEO.

The whole idea of creating infographics is to simplify details, including the most complicated ones.

You can present statistics that help your audience understand the value your business provides. A diagram of a new product is another idea to consider. Or, you can go the extra mile with an interactive infographic explaining how your customers can benefit from your service.


Video is another top player in the content marketing game. Here are several stats to prove that claim:

  • 87% of video marketers say video gives them a positive ROI.
  • 84% of marketers report that video has helped them generate leads.
  • 51% of marketing professionals across the world agree that video is the type of content with the best ROI.
  • 94% of marketers who use video plan to continue.
  • 60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.
  • 96% of consumers have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
  • 68% of consumers prefer to discover more about new products or services by watching videos rather than by reading articles, infographics, presentations, and eBooks.
  • 64% of consumers make a purchase after viewing branded social videos.

See how impactful of a strategy video content truly is? With these outstanding numbers, you’ll definitely get a big push for your brand, which means more leads, more conversions, and more sales.

To harness the power of video, you should first brainstorm the types of content and topics your audience will find appealing. This ultimately depends on where they are in the buyer’s journey.

For instance, short and attention-grabbing informational videos are ideal for consumers in the awareness stage. Product demos and how-to videos can influence those in the decision stage to make a purchase.

Videos are also a great way to showcase the human side of your brand. You can post behind-the-scenes videos to let your audience see what takes place on a typical day at the office, introduce your team and have them say something about themselves, and perhaps host live videos for some Q&A sessions with prospects and existing customers.

Social Media Posts


It’s no secret that businesses of all sizes are taking advantage of social media to grow their following, generate leads, and of course, boost sales.

Social media isn’t just about connecting with friends and family members anymore. For brands and marketers, it has become a necessity. Here’s why:

It increases brand awareness

More than half of the world’s population use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Posting about your products or services regularly on these channels will no doubt attract gain you more followers who might eventually become your customers.

It keeps you on top of your consumers’ minds

Social media presents an opportunity to reach out to and interact with your audience every time they log in.

Keep your posts as entertaining and informative as possible so that they’ll always look forward to seeing your new content in their feeds. You’ll stay on top of their minds, which means you’ll be the first thing they think of when they’re looking for a certain product that your business happens to sell.

It drives more traffic to your website

Social media posts and ads can increase website traffic. Sharing valuable content from your site or blog to your platforms will help you get new readers as soon as you publish a new post.

Be sure to include your website address in all of your social media accounts to make it easier for everyone to learn more about your business in a single click.

It boosts customer and audience engagement

Unlike traditional media, social media is a two-way street, allowing customers and prospects to interact directly with a brand. People love a company that can quickly respond to them whenever they have concerns.

Staying active and replying to comments and questions on your posts will give your audience more reasons to stick to your brand. You might also want to hire someone to entertain your followers on live chats.

It humanizes your brand

As with video content, your social media posts have the ability to form real human connections. In other words, you get to show them that you’re more than just a brand that only wants sales.  

Apart from videos, you can post candid photos of your employees, feature satisfied customers, or show your followers how you’re embracing your brand values.

Keep in mind that authenticity builds trust. Trust builds marketing receptiveness and drives new customers. So, go ahead and flaunt your authentic side on social media. 

User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content is basically the most reliable and go-to outlet for people who are looking to buy a product or service. That’s because they trust fellow consumers more than the brand itself.

UGC can be in the form of reviews, testimonials, or even social media posts from unpaid customers. It boasts credibility, which is exactly what an individual needs when deciding to buy a product.

Also, since those who are searching for this type of content are typically interested in making a purchase soon, UGC is effective at generating higher ROI.

Now, how can you encourage more user-generated content? Take a look at these ideas:

Pick your platform wisely

Be able to know which social media platform your prospects and customers often spend their time on. Make sure that you also have a deep understanding of which type of content suits best on each platform.

Instagram is your best bet for high-res photos and stories, Facebook is excellent for videos and curated content, and Pinterest is perfect for brands who frequently post infographics and step-by-step photo guides. As for sharing the latest news or blog posts, you can count on Twitter.

Collect customer reviews

Customer reviews are the keystone of every successful user-generated content strategy.

Reviews, whether they’re positive or negative, influence consumers in their buying decisions. Sure, you may feel like removing any bad feedback, but they’re still valuable UGC that provide honest opinions from actual users. Besides, your audience might feel suspicious if all they see are rave reviews.

Reviews can also help you identify what needs to be improved with your product or service, which benefits not only the next buyer, but your brand as a whole.

Offer rewards

Nothing motivates users more than offering them perks for their efforts.

Ask your audience to post anything about your product or service in exchange for a reward. It can be something as simple as featuring their post on your website or retweeting them. Such things can already keep your most engaged fans the social recognition they deserve.

Run a contest

Running a social media contest is a surefire way to spread the word about your brand. However, you gotta make sure to keep the contest mechanics as simple as you can. You want more people to participate, not to ward them off with complicated mechanics.

The trick here is to provide rewards that are enticing enough to invite more participants. Discounts and free services they can avail anytime can guarantee you full slots. Let your audience know that the prizes are limited, as it will further push them to be more creative with their entries.

Watch Your Brand Grow As You Use These Types of Content Marketing


Try any of these content marketing strategies to boost your online reputation, drive more traffic, and take your business to the top!

If you’re having trouble starting, however, or you just don’t have the time to focus on content marketing, you can always hire a digital marketing agency in Miami to do the work for you.

Digital Resource has been working with countless companies across the country for years now. We’ve helped our clients reach their business goals through our digital marketing services - and yes, that includes content marketing.

Schedule a free consultation with us today to learn more.


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