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5 Common Facebook Ad Mistakes Dental Practice Owners Make

Social Media Marketing

There's so much to learn and work with about Facebook ads that it can get pretty overwhelming. You'll go into designing a Facebook ad with the greatest of intentions: “I want people to visit my website and buy something from me.”  

But then comes the flurry of uncertainty. What will speak to your audience? How much should I be spending? What should my caption say? How long should my ad run for? And so on and so on.

Please don't waste time and money on Facebook ads without reviewing these five common Facebook ad mistakes dentists make in an attempt to supercharge patient generation.

Mistake #1: Ads with Unclear Objectives

Suppose you're running out of ideas on how to attract new patients to your dental practice and decided to put up a Facebook ad.  

In that case, you'll want to make that apparent. The ad should read something like, "Looking for a new dentist? Visit our clinic, and don't miss out." That's how basic the messaging can be.  

We frequently see advertisements where you end up “stuffing in” content about your academic achievements, the profile of your patients, and a description of your services, among other things.  

This information is excellent for convincing someone to visit your dental clinic once you've piqued their interest. Still, you must attract their attention with a statement, or the ad will quickly lose its purpose.

Mistake #2: Going to the Wrong Landing Page

First things first: Don't know what a landing page is? Check out this article!  

Nowadays, it's pretty standard for consumers to click on a Facebook ad and land on the homepage of your website. Nonetheless, you expect that someone will go through your website until they reach a page that has valuable information whether it be a service page or a blog about dental industry trends.  

Why can't you direct them quickly to the most relevant page? A page built to convert! If they do not find anything interesting and relevant on the first page they land on, then it is likely that they won’t be choosing you as their dentist.

Mistake #3: Limiting Your Target Audience

Gender, age, location, and interest targeting are just a few of the choices available on Facebook to guide you in finding the most appropriate audience for your ad.  

Consider the following scenario: you begin refining your search too much and adding numerous limits before seeing your ad. The danger here is that you will miss out on people who are also in your target market as a result.  

If you're creating your first Facebook ad, start with a broad target demographic and then narrow it down as you see who responds to your advertisement.

If you make it possible for people to locate your company, you could be surprised at who ends up coming to see you.

Mistake #4: Making Boring Content  

Media is usually the first thing people notice in a Facebook ad, so make sure your visuals stick out among the sea of Facebook advertisements.  

Rather than reusing the same static image in every ad, change it up. Would you mind taking some recent photographs or developing a short video and using that as the graphic for the ad?  

To advertise multiple products in one ad, you may use the carousel ad option to generate cards with photographs linked to other products on the website using the link feature.

Suppose you don't have a new picture to use or have the time to make a video. In that case, you can use some eye-catching text to overlay on top of an existing image on Facebook to make a statement. Canva, for example, is a terrific resource when it comes to developing your image-editing skills online.

Mistake #5: Not Keeping Track of Your Ads 

The most common mistake we see with advertising is not tracking their performance.  

Facebook can tell you how many people have clicked or watched your advertisements to a certain extent (impressions and reach).  

To get the most out of them, you should examine the reports on them. To track your Facebook advertising, we generally recommend adding Google Analytics to each website. You'll need to add a UTM code at the end of the link itself – but don't worry, Facebook makes this relatively easy.

Lastly, be sure you've moved down to the bottom of the page before clicking to publish an ad in Facebook Ads Manager. You will then see a Tracking section with URL parameters in the final empty box.  

For example, select “Build a URL” parameter and choose “Social” as the source, “Social” as the medium, and "dental implant marketing" as the campaign name. In that case, Facebook will put those UTM codes at the end of the URL when the ad is running.  

Once the ad begins receiving clicks, go to “Acquisitions” > “Campaigns” > “All Campaigns”, and you'll find the campaign name on the list.

Start your journey with Facebook ads today!

Creating successful Facebook ads is complex, and even the most experienced marketers are prone to making mistakes. Fortunately, if you follow the advice above, you will be able to prevent significant errors. You'll quickly gain the traction you deserve with a bit of practice.

As a small business owner, you may find high-conversion Facebook ad campaigns are too tricky or time-consuming to execute when you're on your own. To combat your lack of time and knowledge and avoid the five Facebook ad mistakes listed above, you can choose to work with Digital Resource.

Our award-winning Digital Advertising team has the expertise and resources needed to create effective Facebook advertising for your company! You can expect the following when you deal with us:

  • Extensive market research to identify the best plan of action
  • Creative ad content that resonates with the targeted audience
  • Results-driven campaigns that offer an optimal return in investment
  • A dedicated Account Manager to guide you through the Facebook ads process

Are you having a hard time thinking about how to attract new patients to your dental practice? Check this out to see what's wrong with your Facebook ads.

Learn more about our digital marketing services at Digital Resource and contact us today for a free consultation!

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