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6 Fundamental On-Page SEO Factors You Need to Perfect

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According to HubSpot, 75% of web users never scroll past the first page of a search result. That means the websites located on page one are the ones who get the most traffic. It is why businesses, both big and small, invest their time and money in getting their Tampa SEO tactics right. You can follow many methods and strategies to rank higher on search engine results, but if you can’t perfect the basics, your chances of ranking on the first page is slim.

tampa seo services

We’ll let you in on a little secret about SEO. It would be best if you always prioritized your on-page optimization. Mainly because the SEO landscape is ever-changing, so you want to make sure that your on-page SEO efforts are up to date.

By knowing the basics and getting them right, you’ll be laying the foundation for your site to increase its visibility online. Once you have laid the foundation, you can now work on your off-page SEO factors and move to more advanced strategies. Here are the six basic on-page factors you need to master:

What are the six fundamental on-page SEO factors?

Consistent Value-Rich Content

When it comes to assessing webpages, sites, and content creators, Google raters use the E-A-T framework. E-A-T stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. They use this framework because Google wants to make sure that the sites it features on the first page are the ones that can best satisfy web users’ queries. They also reward these sites by giving them better rankings. It is why publishing value-rich content consistently is so important.

So, what is considered value-rich content? High-quality content has the following attributes:

  • A value-rich content is original. Meaning there are no copies of it on the web. And above all, it is not a rewrite of an original content
  • It contains information that is exclusive to your website only
  • Your visual, video and infographic content should have a text description so search engine bots can read and index them
  • Make sure to publish valuable content that your audience will love. If you have no idea what to write about, you can start by putting yourself in the shoes of your customers. What questions or concerns will they likely have during the buying process? Answering these questions or possible problems before they could even ask might convince them to convert
  • You can also base your content on your audience’s search intent. Find out what type of content your audience wants to see for a given search query
  • Do your research to make sure that the information you relay to your audience is accurate and true
  • Publish articles that contain at least a thousand words. People love consuming long-form content because it’s more likely to have more valuable information
  • Your content should cover all aspects. Don’t be biased. Always mention the good side and the bad side
  • Your content should be detailed and informative but easy to read

If producing quality content isn’t your forte, no need to worry because you can always hire an SEO company in Tampa to help you.

SEO-Friendly Content

Besides publishing value-rich content, it’s also important to optimize what’s inside it so bots can “read” and comprehend it faster. Here’s how to optimize your actual content:

  • Do keyword research to find out what types of content will satisfy your audience’s search intent
  • Create a list of keywords or keyphrases that are related to your target keyword
  • Use the variation of keywords casually throughout your content
  • Add them to your titles, descriptions, and headings

You want your website to please visitors and make them want to do business with you again.

What is the best Tampa search engine optimization company?

Optimized Title Page and Meta Descriptions

When search engine bots look for content to generate for a keyword, they crawl through webpages to check each title and description and see if they’re relevant to the keyword. By optimizing the title pages and meta descriptions on your site, you allow the bots to “read” what your webpage is all about. And then, based on other SEO factors, the bots will index your page.

Here are some tips on how you can optimize your page titles:

  • Use unique titles for each page on your website. But make sure they’re understandable to both search engine bots and your audience
  • Make your titles interesting by adding power words and numbers
  • Use target keywords at the beginning of your page titles
  • Avoid keyword stuffing
  • Limit your descriptive titles to only 60 characters
  • You don’t need to add your domain in the tile

And here’s how you can optimize your meta descriptions:

  • The meta description for each page or product on your site should be unique, descriptive, and appealing
  • Avoid copying or auto-generating descriptions
  • Use target keywords in your meta descriptions but in a way that makes sense

Clearly Structured Content

Your content must be clearly structured so that readers can scan through it and understand it quickly. Besides this, formatting your content correctly also allows search engine bots to “read” what your text is all about.

Here are tips on how to improve the structure of your content:

  • Your first paragraph should tell what your post is all about. Try using the inverted pyramid writing format
  • Your headings should present what the paragraph below it is all about. But make sure that they’re interesting enough to catch your reader’s attention as they skim through your article
  • Make sure to use headings in an orderly manner
  • Add related keywords in your subheadings
  • Use your target keywords in your headings

Fast Site Speed

People go to the internet for information, and they want it to be given to them fast. So, you want your website to load within three seconds or less to satisfy your visitors! Otherwise, they’ll hit the back button and go to a competitor.

Here’s how you can make your website load faster:

  • Find out what your site’s performance barriers are to improve your server response time
  • Optimize your code by removing any unnecessary characters, code comments, and unused codes
  • Avoid using too many redirects
  • Limit your use of plug-ins
  • Use browser caching
  • Optimize the images on your website

Mobile-Friendly Site

None of the factors above will matter if your website isn’t optimized for mobile use. Having a mobile-friendly, or responsive, site ensures that both web users and mobile users can access your website without difficulty, allowing you to cater to as much traffic as possible. A mobile-friendly site provides a better user experience to your visitors by making your website look great and function well on smaller screens. It also makes sharing content feel natural and enjoyable!

Choose a responsive web design for your website to provide the ultimate user experience to your visitors!

Looking for an SEO Company in Tampa?

These are the six fundamental on-page SEO techniques that you need to master to lay a strong foundation for your site’s visibility! If you feel like you need professional help to get you started, Digital Resource can help. Contact us to learn more!

Google My Business Listing Creation

If you don’t have a Google My Business listing, we create on for you. If you do have one, we make sure that everything and anything is filled out accurately and completely.

Google My Business Listing Verification

We get your Google My Business listing verified so that it shows up on Google Maps as a legitimate business and is able to get found by potential customers.

Google My Business Listing Optimization

We optimize your Google My Business listing by including relevant keywords throughout your profile and introduction. We then go a step further by placing optimized photos of your business, products, and services with completed metadata.

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