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5 Actionable Blogging Tips for Newbies


In this post, the leading Florida internet marketing company will provide helpful advice and suggestions for newbie bloggers. If you follow these tips for blogging, you’ll be able to write quicker and more effectively.

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1. Target Search-Engine-Driven Topics

sample keyword research tool
Photo from Semrush

Getting a high ranking on Google is the best way to ensure a steady flow of organic visitors to your website over time. Targeting topics people are actively looking for is necessary to accomplish this goal.

Using a keyword research tool is the best way to find these topics. Here are three of our favorite keyword research tools:

  • Semrush's Keyword Magic Tool: This tool can help you create a master keyword list to boost website traffic. You can create a keyword roadmap that finds global search queries with just one seed keyword. As of May 2022, it supports roughly 142 databases with billions of keywords, rapidly expanding its keyword database.
  • Ahref's Keyword Explorer: This tool determines how difficult it would be to rank in the top ten search results for a given keyword. It’s unique in that it calculates a Keyword Difficulty score ranging from 1 to 100, with 100 being the most difficult. Its Clicks feature displays the average monthly number of clicks on your target keyword's search results.
  • Google's Keyword Planner: This tool assists you in keyword research for your Search campaigns. You can use this free tool to find new keywords related to your business and see the estimated search volume and cost to target them.

At their best, your topics should have a high Traffic Potential (TP), which estimates how many visitors you could get if your website ranked first in a search for that term.

In addition, it should also have a low Keyword Difficulty, which means they are less competitive and more likely to produce top 10 organic search results.

2. Keep the User's Search Intent in Mind

Whenever possible, Google will return the most practical information in response to a user's search. To achieve a high Google ranking, you must provide the most relevant information.

This translates into the realistic requirement of making search-intent-relevant content.

What exactly is meant by "search intent?" The purpose of a search is its "search intent." We can use the top results to determine the three Cs of search intent because Google prioritizes showing relevant content:

  • Content Type: Is one particular form of content, like blog posts, product pages, videos, or landing pages, predominating on the SERP?
  • Content Format: Is one type of content more common than others on the SERP, like how-tos, lists, news stories, or reviews?
  • Content Angles: Is there a predominant theme on the SERP, such as newly published material or material geared toward newcomers?

For instance, consider the three Cs for the topic "best smartphones."

sample Google search
  • Content Type: The majority of content types are all blog posts.
  • Content Format: The majority of the content is in listicle form.
  • Content Angle: They're primarily current, i.e., up to the date with the current year.

If you want to target this keyword, you'll probably need to create something similar—a listicle that's been updated for the current year.  

3. Develop Content That Pulls in Amplifiers

In theory, every reader or viewer will share your content with at least one or two friends, creating a "viral sensation." However, in reality, virality doesn't work this way. Instead, most "viral" content is sparked by amplifiers: Individuals who can get many people to see and share.

Usually, these amplifiers are people who have a considerable following. Examples of amplifiers include:

Keep in mind that amplifiers will only share original content, so make sure yours has new information, angles, and advice.

How do you create unique content? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Do you have any personal experience? Please take note of it. Can you test or try it out if you don't know?
  • Do you have data, or can you collaborate with someone who does? Analyze the data and present your findings.
  • Could you consult with professionals? Even if you don't know everything, you can always talk to experts in your field.

4. Aim for Conversational Writing

Put behind you the time you spent in school. Writing a blog post for the internet differs from writing a school paper. One of the quickest ways to put someone to sleep is to have them read an abstract, an introduction, a methodology, results, and a conclusion simultaneously.

The goal is to sound natural, which means you don't have to act stiffly or formally. Remember that a casual writing style works best for web copy. As a result, write as if you were speaking with a close friend.

You don't have to worry about disappointing your English teacher because, just like in real life, even strict grammar rules can sometimes be broken.

5. Make Your Posts Readable

Let's not hide the truth. Right now, no one wants to get a copy of your article. They would rather be home watching AppleTV.

Therefore, it is up to you as a blogger to pique their interest enough to start reading. Keep in mind that clear writing makes for a pleasant reading experience.

Here are some ways you can make it easier for people to read on your site:

  • Use short sentences. Huge chunks of text scare people away, but short ones make them want to read more. 
  • Break up long sentences. It's hard to follow long sentences. Find places where you used "and," "because," and "that," and then break them up.
  • Put in multimedia. Videos, pictures, GIFs, and other things can help you show what you mean without using more words.
  • Use formatting. Bold, italics, quotes, and lists break up large chunks of text and bring attention to certain parts.
  • Read your writing out loud. This will help you find places where your writing doesn't flow well.

Blog Like a Pro

It's challenging to compete in the blogosphere because it appears that everyone is thinking about starting a blog. Some people who read your blog don't care what you write about. The most important thing for them is to hear a person's voice.

It doesn't matter how compelling the topic is if you don't present it excitingly. Blogging is all about how it is done, not what it says. So, use these tried-and-true strategies and tips to get more people to read and interact with your blog posts.

Or better yet, you can also collaborate with Digital Resource. Our content marketing specialists can boost your company's search engine rankings and bring in more customers.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

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